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Periodontal flap surgery

What is periodontal flap surgery

Periodontal flap surgery is a surgical procedure performed to treat advanced gum disease or periodontitis. It involves lifting the gums to access and clean the tooth roots, remove tartar and plaque buildup, and repair damaged gum tissue.

Why is periodontal flap surgery necessary?

Periodontal flap surgery is typically recommended when non-surgical treatments such as scaling and root planing are not sufficient to control gum disease. It is performed to remove deep pockets of infection, reduce inflammation, and prevent further progression of periodontal disease.

How is periodontal flap surgery performed?

During the procedure, the dentist or periodontist makes incisions in the gum tissue to create a flap, which is then lifted to expose the tooth roots and underlying bone. The roots are thoroughly cleaned, and any damaged tissue is repaired. The gum flap is then repositioned and sutured back in place.

Is periodontal flap surgery painful?

The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, so you won't feel pain during the surgery. After the procedure, some discomfort, swelling, and mild bleeding may occur, but these symptoms can be managed with prescribed pain medications and proper post-operative care.

What is the recovery period like after periodontal flap surgery?

The recovery time can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and the individual's healing capacity. It is common to experience some discomfort, swelling, and sensitivity for a few days after the procedure. It's important to follow post-operative instructions, maintain good oral hygiene, and attend follow-up appointments for proper healing and monitoring.

Are there any risks or complications associated with periodontal flap surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks involved, including infection, bleeding, swelling, and gum recession. However, these risks are relatively low when the surgery is performed by a skilled and experienced dental professional.

​Q: Will periodontal flap surgery cure my gum disease?

While periodontal flap surgery is an effective treatment for advanced gum disease, it is not a cure. It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices, follow a recommended maintenance routine, and regularly visit your dentist for professional cleanings to prevent further progression of gum disease.


It's important to consult with a qualified dental professional or periodontist to determine if periodontal flap surgery is the right treatment option for your specific condition. They will assess your oral health and provide personalized recommendations for your gum disease treatment.

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